Shari Belton-Graham, Financial Secretary
January 30, 2025
Dear Belton Family Members:
The 2025 Belton Family Reunion is being hosted by the Richmond Chapter. This year’s reunion will be held in Richmond, Virginia, Friday, August 1st – Sunday, August 3rd, 2025 at Embassy Suites by Hilton Richmond, 2925 Emerywood Parkway, Richmond, VA 23294; (877) 504-0124. The room rates will be as follows: Standard King Suite ($165/night plus applicable taxes) and Double Queen Suite ($175/night plus applicable taxes). Rooms receiving the discounted rate will be reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Reservations: Reservations must be made by July 11, 2025. Check-in is 4:00 PM. Friday, August 1st and check-out is 11:00 AM on Sunday, August 3rd. Reservations should be made by contacting the hotel Reservations office at (877) 504-0124 and referencing the Belton Family Reunion group block or either clicking the link or copying and pasting the link into your web browser: https://group.embassysuites.com/v3a86e.
Enclosed, you will find the registration form for the reunion. Please return this form to the Financial Secretary by June 30, 2025. Please keep in mind, registration forms must be postmarked five (5) days prior to any stated deadline. No registration forms will be accepted after July 19, 2025 (no exceptions). No refunds will be issued unless extenuating circumstances exist. These circumstances should be noted before the reunion.
Scholarships: The Scholarship Fund needs your continued financial support for providing aid and encouragement to our youth. All family members are encouraged to donate at least $10.00 to support the Belton Family Scholarship fund. Please send your donations and applications for the Belton Family Scholarship to our financial secretary, Shari Belton-Graham, 4228 Long Arrow Dr., Concord, NC 28025. The deadline for submitting your application is July 1, 2025. If you have further questions about the application process, please go to the Belton Family Website at www.mybeltonfamily.org and click on the tab “College Assist.”
Souvenirs: Reunion t-shirts will be sold for the 2025 reunion. Orders will be via preorder only. No merchandise will be sold at the reunion and no purchased merchandise will be mailed. You must be present to receive your souvenir (none will be mailed). Due to time constraints, orders are only accepted, if received by June 30, 2025 (no exceptions).
Family Tour: As part of the reunion experience, the Belton Family has been invited to participate in a cultural tour titled: In the Footsteps of Maggie Walker. The Elegba Folklore Society creates and guides this cultural history tour as a contextual biography of Jackson Ward luminary, Maggie Lena Walker. Evolutionary from her birthplace in Church Hill to her elevation in Historic Jackson Ward, attendees have the chance to ponder black excellence and community building in early 20th century Richmond in light of its significance today. A visit to Mrs. Walker’s home, now the Maggie L Walker National Historic Site, adds ephemeral value.
Our guide will sweep you up in the story that you can enjoy from the comfort of your motor coach seat, and, later, ensure your care with the National Park Service interpreters at the Site. The total time is about three (3) hours. Please complete the enclosed interest form and return with your registration form, no later than June 30, 2025. THIS IS A FREE TOUR
If you have further questions about the reunion, feel free to contact our President, Lawrence (Lonny) T. Belton, Sr., at (704) 596-8486 (h) or (980) 254-6939 (cell).
Yours truly,
Shari Belton-Graham
Financial Secretary
The Belton Family Reunion